Air Liquide takes hydrogen to the skies at IATA Aviation Energy Forum
Published on May 22, 2023
2 minutes

Today, when you hear the term “hydrogen mobility”, most likely a fuel cell vehicle comes to mind. But mobility is a vast landscape and hydrogen has the potential to decarbonize many modes of transportation - from heavy duty trucks, to maritime applications and yes, even aviation.
Aviation is now integral to our everyday lives, moving millions of people, goods and services around the globe, and contributing 2% of global carbon emissions in the process. With hydrogen, it's estimated that aviation emissions could be halved by 2050. According to IATA, the host of the recent Aviation Energy Forum supported by Air Liquide, “hydrogen could be used as a replacement of liquid fuel or as a fuel cell for electrical power. Electrical fuel cells could be suitable for short-range aircraft while hydrogen combustion would be suitable for long-range and higher payloads.”
Air Liquide’s Director and Hydrogen Advocate, Dave Edwards, brought the hydrogen industry and hydrogen safety perspective to the IATA Aviation Energy Forum’s session on “Turnaround Procedures for Hydrogen Aircraft”. As more and more aircraft makers and ecosystem participants turn to hydrogen as a means of decarbonization, ensuring a reliable supply of hydrogen fuel is critical. Just as important is establishing hydrogen refueling safety standards so that the new technology can be broadly adopted while maintaining the same high standards of safety known to the industry today.
Dave was joined in conversation by fellow panelists Fiona McKay, Business Development Director, ZeroAvia, Serge Elkhouiery, VP Hydrogen Logistics, Universal Hydrogen, Nicolas Landrin, Hydrogen Infrastructure Project Manager, Airbus and moderator Alejandro Block, Manager New Energy and Technologies, IATA.
Air Liquide already collaborates with partners such as Groupe ADP and VINCI Airports on different projects to decarbonize the aviation and airport sectors in Chile, France and South Korea.
IATA Aviation Energy Forum
Decarbonizing transport is a critical focus for Air Liquide, and for hydrogen not even the sky's the limit! The IATA Aviation Energy Forum was a great opportunity to bring together leaders in the aviation industry to discuss decarbonization and the power of hydrogen to revolutionize the industry - from ground operations, to infrastructure, to aircraft themselves - and enable the industry to meet its sustainability goals. - Dave Edwards